Setting up alerts on Coinbase is an important step towards becoming a serious trader in the cryptocurrency exchange industry. These can be set as automatic price alerts through the web platform or the mobile app, which will let you know about price movements, trends, and changes for a specific cryptocurrency, or they can be via a subscription to Coinbase’s investor email alerts. But what does this mean and how do you go about setting these up? This article will answer those questions for you.
In order to set up alerts on Coinbase for a specific cryptocurrency, you first need to add that cryptocurrency to your watchlist.
Logging in to your Coinbase account is the first step, then you need to navigate to the Trade page. You will then see a list of cryptocurrencies and assets, which is automatically sorted by market cap by default (this can be changed to be sorted by top gainers, top losers, or tradable assets.) To add a specific cryptocurrency to your Watchlist, simply click on the star icon next to the currency – this will automatically add it to your Watchlist.
This is where you set up the automatic price alerts to let you know about price movements for a specific cryptocurrency. To do this, you simply follow these two steps.
Navigate to the setting screen of your platform, select notifications, then price alerts.
On this screen, you can choose whether to have alerts pushed to your phone, alert you within the app or to have a pop-up on your PC or laptop. These alerts will notify you if there are large swings in prices over a short period of time, thus allowing you to keep track of the latest trends in your selected cryptocurrency.
You also have the option of setting up a subscription to investor email alerts from Coinbase. Doing this is also a simple process. To do this, enter your email address in the Investor Email Alerts screen and select at least one alert option (press releases, events SEC filings, presentation and bi weekly news and announcements highlights). Once the request has been submitted, you will then receive an activation email. You will need to click the activation link in order to complete the subscription (though do remember to check your spam or junk folder for this email if you do not receive it in your inbox). You also have the choice to sign up for additional alert options at any time.
Coinbase are keen to emphasize that data is treated with respect and that the information provided when making the subscription will not be shared with a third party. You have the option to unsubscribe from these updates and alerts in the unsubscribe section.
If you are working on the developer platform of Coinbase, there are several alert types that you can integrate into your system. By setting up a notification endpoint for an API key in the API key settings or by using a Coinbase Connect application. After you’ve set up the notification endpoints, you can receive notifications when your buy/sell is completed, as well as allowing to initiate actions when your cryptocurrency addresses have received new transactions. These notification systems can be tested by you as a developer, and Coinbase have stated that new notification types will be added over time.
As you can see, there are multiple ways to set up alerts on Coinbase, as well as a variety of alerts available, depending on your need as a trader and investor. Whether it is through setting up price alerts for selected cryptocurrencies, investor email alerts provided by Coinbase or creating customized alerts in the Coinbase developer system, there are many ways in which you can set up alerts to ensure that you get the best trading experience on Coinbase.